On My Mind.

Musings. Observations. Ideas. Creativity. Solutions.

“Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”


Merry Everything.

Enjoy it all. Hanukkah. Or Chanukah. Christmas. Kwanzaa. Festivus. Boxing Day. Bouillabaisse Day. Bicarbonate of Soda Day. New Year’s. There’s a lot to celebrate this month. Whatever holidays you observe, whatever traditions you uphold, whatever makes you stop for... read more


Yummy stuff. The best food holiday in the history of the world is next week. To me, this is both in terms of cooking AND eating. As someone who loves to create in the kitchen, I’ve tried to jazz up Thanksgiving recipes over the years. For some odd reason, I thought I... read more

Someone That I Used To Know.

  We all know it’s smart business to retain customers while attracting new ones. Less expensive, less work and all that. But do we always do what we should? A few weeks ago I reached out to a list of dormant clients. There had been no ill-will or issues with... read more

Why Are You Acting So Moody?

When we hear this phrase, there’s usually a negative connotation. Think sullen teenager or temperamental boss. But moods can also be good, right? One universal truth is that moods are about feelings. You’re in a great mood, so let’s go out dancing. Not so great, and... read more

PMS. But Not the One You Think.

Forget Oz. Color is really the all-powerful. It influences moods, appetites and buying power. Think of how you feel wearing a color you love or working in a room painted a color you hate. Most people don’t even realize the importance of color. They just know what they... read more

What’s Your Story?

The elevator pitch. The 30-second commercial. The polished intro. Who are you and what do you do? Does anybody really care? The answer is maybe. When we meet potential clients or business partners, it’s natural to wonder if this might be a profitable encounter. But... read more

Snap Out of It.

I find yoga to be sublime. Great for the body, great for the mind. But this morning I simply coudn’t relax. I was supposed to be concentrating on my breathing and getting my leg wrapped around my head. But my mind was muddled with thoughts of deadlines, invoicing and... read more

A Full Work Week.

Does your business pick up between Thanksgiving and New Years? Most likely, not. What with holiday parties, early closings and having your kids home from college taking over your house and car. I’ll admit, I tend to enjoy the loosey-goosey nature for a while. But by... read more

Kick It To the Curb.

Last week I moved. Only a few miles away, but a move is a move. There was a garage sale to orchestrate, the dreaded packing, and ultimately, directing movers where to place the piano. Some things have changed; my office is smaller but my view is officially amazing.... read more

Straight To Voicemail.

You’ve got three separate deadlines, lunch never happened and your phone is ringing. To answer or not is the question. It all depends on if it’s one of THOSE clients. You know who I’m talking about. The ones who don’t appreciate you. Who aren’t particularly pleasant.... read more