On My Mind.

Musings. Observations. Ideas. Creativity. Solutions.

“Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”


I’m Thankful for Paper.

My favorite holiday of the year is next week, and I always make a point of expressing my gratitude and thanks for my blessings. Like paper. When I began my design career, computers were literally just appearing on the scene. While I switched from producing artwork by... read more

You Do What? Cool.

Are you unsure of what a graphic designer does? If so, you’re not alone. Over the years, here are a few misconceptions I’ve heard when introducing myself as a graphic designer: Oh, I just downloaded a free trial of Photoshop, so I’m doing graphic design, too. (Yikes!)... read more

And the ADDY Goes To.

I’ve been in the design industry for over 25 years, which is half of my life. There have been fun projects, great clients and trainwrecks where I considered poking my own eyes out. But in all of my years of working, I’ve never submitted any of my work in award... read more

The Best Part of the Day.

The movement to eliminate recess during the school day is growing. Nobody is happy about this decision, including students, administrators and teachers. Why is this initiative continuing to gain steam? Apparently someone has decided we need to work our students more... read more

You’re Awesome.

Isn’t it interesting how we can tell someone else how great they are, but have trouble tooting our own horn? In business, we need to get over this. If WE don’t think we’re all that, why should someone else? I recently read an article comparing new client acquisition... read more

An Empty Nest.

Big changes around here. Child number two has flown the coop and the nest is now empty. There’s a lot to adjust to. When you’re used to being in a certain routine, for say, 18 years or so, it can be tough to adapt. But how you respond to change says everything about... read more

Try To Stay Focused.

I got a new iPhone recently. Not the top-of-the-line, fingerprint security one like my kids have, but to me I hit the jackpot.  And now, I have faster internet access on my phone, so I should be able to do more things faster, especially while I’m doing other things... read more

Identity Crisis?

Branding. This is our brand. What’s your brand? We need to establish a brand. We need to establish a NEW brand.It seems to have been the “it” word for quite a while now. You may even use it now and again in a conversation. But what does it mean? So simple, really. Do... read more

Good Images Work.

I’ve commented on social media before about my love of Google’s special graphics. You know, the one’s that celebrate things both great (Dr. Martin Luther King Day) and obscure (216th Anniversary of the First Parachute Jump.) They even have a personal message for you... read more

Business Cards=Good

You know I’m sort of old-fashioned when it comes to business. I love all FOUR of my Apple products as much as the next person, but only in conjunction with sound business practices. Like the good ol’ handshake and card swap. Not the “full-on assault, I think everyone... read more